My Greatest Physical Battle

Warning: If you are eating, please do not read this article. Last May 2014, my supervisor called up my attention that there was something on the X-ray result after we had our Annual Physical Examination last April. I talked to our company physician and he said that they saw small spots on my right lung that could be the caused of having Tuberculosis. I knew that I was exhausting my health because I worked 3AM-12PM and then after that, I did my MK business 1-5PM. So, I decided to quit my job because I did not want to risk my health. I did not render 30-day grace period so I could rest before going back home. I already had a cough that hadn't been gone for 2 weeks and lumps under my jaw. I arrived in Davao last June 20, 2014 and planned to stay just for a month then came back to Cebu again. I told my parents and a close friend of mine about my health condition. They said we will see a doctor next week since it was weekend when I arrived. That Friday evening, I was with my fr...