Thoughts Are Things

Photo courtesy of I am going to share with you my personal experience the first time I came to know about Law of Attraction and I hope this will give you an understanding that thoughts will become things. 2009 was when I decided to study PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) to add on my skills as an engineer so that I had a high probability of getting hired in-line to the course which I graduated, Electronics and Communication Engineering. At the end of the training, the instructors gave us some ebooks and a documentary movie to read and watch before we can get our certificate. The documentary movie that they gave us was The Secret: Law of Attraction. I watched it and I was pretty amazed. It resonated in my whole being given the consciousness I had at that time and it really felt good because it gave me an impression that I can change my life with my thoughts. Of course, as an engineer, I had a skeptical mind. My thoughts were, "Is this for real? W...