The Goose and The Golden Eggs

(I do not own this photo.) I know your familiar with this short story "The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs" way back when we were young. There were many versions of this but the intention of the story was still the same. As you can see on the photo, this was based on the fable by Aesop. So, who was Aesop? I searched through Google and found that Aesop was a slave and a well-known storyteller way back around 500 BC. Imagine how long his stories exist? About 2500 years now and still continuing to expand since our nursery rhymes and first reading books mostly are from Aesop's fable. If way back then they exercised royalties, Aesop would be one of the richest men in the world in his time. Anyways, my intention of writing a blog out of this is to share with you the deeper wisdom that I got with the help of Stephen Covey. Who is Stephen Covey? He is an internationally known speaker and author on leadership, personal effectiveness and change, and interpersonal rel...