Unconditional Love
Hi guys,
Let me update you first since I had not been writing anything here for so long. Just this week, I decided to go back in blogging because I love sharing my realizations if I can everyday. So, if you notice with my previous post it was all about talking to God and thanking Him for all the blessings I received. Now, I am going to change the topic a little bit. I am going to write still about God but it is more on how to understand Him, feel Him, or how I see Him as my God. I do not promote any religion. In fact, I have no religion and I see all religions with no prejudice. I respect all of them.
Unconditional Love
Last year was the darkest year of my life. Yet, in those time, I can say that I partly know God and how He loves us so much. We all know that He loves us unconditionally. When I was young I didn't really understand this. My family are devoted Roman Catholics until now. It was just last year I decided not to involve in any religion and they were so shocked and dismayed of my decision. But as the time went by and they really cannot force me to go to church anymore, they already accepted it.
I met a person whom I treated last year as my life coach and he was the one who introduce me to authors like Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Louise Hay and many more. So, together with my friend and boyfriend, he discussed to us some topics that were taught by these authors. One of the topic was unconditional love. What is really unconditional love?
(I do not own this photo.)
Like in this picture (above), unconditional love is being expressed by nature based on the photo it is the love of Sun to the Earth. Let me give you an example through a story. It was a very hot day and there was this two men walking trying to look for a shade to rest and wait until the sunset to continue their journey. Let us name them as Peter and John. Peter was a very kind and generous person while John was hot-headed and was known to be a previous killer. Though, they had different personality considering Peter as good and John as bad but they were friends as Peter understood John. Both of them found a tree in the middle of hotness and nothingness. The tree shared it's shade to both men without any definition to both of them whose good or bad. Both men were able to enjoy the shade, rested and took a nap to gain back strength.
Based on the story, the tree exercised the unconditional love to both men because even if the men decided to cut down the tree after they took a nap, the tree won't mind it and still gave its shade to those men, no conditions at all just love. A rose gives it beauty and fragrance to everyone without judging whose good or bad. So, it is really explicit to mother nature to demonstrate unconditional love. I can say that God is in mother nature as God exists everywhere. To be reminded with God's love is to observe nature.
Now, with human beings? With our relationships from family, friends and loved ones? Do you notice this unconditional love being expressed? Before, when I do not understand what unconditional love is, I do not exercise unconditional love. Whenever I give something to someone, I expect something back. What can I do I was taught to love like this. Do you ever have this feeling that it is easy to give to those who are generous and kind to you? Also, you do not like people who do not like you as well. I cannot list down the conditions we have when we love someone but just recall your past situation. You would notice that most of the time you love with conditions. It wasn't unconditional love after all.
Why do we need to love unconditionally? Human beings must expressed love unconditionally because love is all there is. It cannot be love if it has conditions. Jesus demonstrated unconditional love when He was here with us. When we love God with all our hearts, we must be like Him, loving everyone without conditions. Imagine if everyone of us does this. I think in this way we can lessen our personal pains and sufferings because there will be no expectations. We would be living in a wonderful and loving world.
How? Let us just be aware of our actions. Keep asking yourself, am I loving this person with conditions? What are the conditions? Let us do all our best to express love unconditionally. I know it's not easy but with baby steps everyday, we'll go a long way ahead.
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