Thoughts Are Things
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I am going to share with you my personal experience the first time I came to know about Law of Attraction and I hope this will give you an understanding that thoughts will become things.
2009 was when I decided to study PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) to add on my skills as an engineer so that I had a high probability of getting hired in-line to the course which I graduated, Electronics and Communication Engineering. At the end of the training, the instructors gave us some ebooks and a documentary movie to read and watch before we can get our certificate. The documentary movie that they gave us was The Secret: Law of Attraction. I watched it and I was pretty amazed. It resonated in my whole being given the consciousness I had at that time and it really felt good because it gave me an impression that I can change my life with my thoughts. Of course, as an engineer, I had a skeptical mind. My thoughts were, "Is this for real? Well, how will I know if I won't try and apply the principles."
I really cannot get the job that I wanted due to recession. Industrial manufacturers laid off some really good engineers because of it. Consequently, I only had minimal chance of getting hired because there were more engineers who were more experienced than I do plus I am a female. An opportunity came when the training center where I studied PLC was looking for a PLC Instructor, and so, I applied for the said position. I already saw myself as a PLC Instructor. That's the first time I used the Law of Attraction. I received a call from one of my instructors and told me that I did not get the position. I asked him, "Why?" He told me because I am a female. He said, "You won't be a PLC Instructor forever because the PLC Instructors are waiting list for a job in our sister company in Singapore in an Oil & Gas Industry which is very dangerous for women like you." I told him, "I can do what PLC Instructor and a PLC Programmer can do, you know that since you are my instructor. With regards to my own safety, it is on my discretion and I will take care of that when that time comes. For now, you need a PLC Instructor so you can go to Singapore for work and I need this job." And I got hired, September 2009.
This was an "Aha!" moment for me that the Law of Attraction was working. Another thought came in to me, "Well, that was just an easy thing to manifest." Let's try a harder one. I would like to go to Singapore on or before my birthday for the year 2010 for FREE, all-expense paid trip. Here are the challenges: Most PLC Instructors waited for more than a year for a job opening in Singapore and I have no passport because I was a DOST (Department of Science and Technology) scholar. When you are a DOST Scholar, you are not allowed to go abroad for whatever reason unless you work in the Philippines in the same number of years you enjoyed the scholarship. And I had worked for about 1.5 years and I enjoyed my scholarship for 2 years. Also, for me to get a passport, I had to go through DOST, NBI (National Bureau of Investigation), and DFA (Department of Foreign Affairs).
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MODEC office in Singapore |
Also, additional skill was needed for the said project; AutoCAD. Good thing, we had a student who was really good in AutoCAD and he taught us for free. And so, I and my colleague, Red, were ready to go. Suprisingly, our boss, the owner of the businesses in Cebu and Singapore booked and emailed me the airfare ticket on the day of my birthday. (Isn't it amazing?) I was really happy at that time. My thought said, "Wait until you get on the land of Singapore." and I said, "Oh yeah!"
When I arrived in Singapore, I couldn't believe it. It was amazing and I did not feel tired at all even if the next day we spent our day walking and walking to familiarize the city. True enough, I was the only female engineer in the staff house, and so, my colleagues gave me the stock room as my room to stay. Our boss said if we could finish the project before the deadline, he will give us a treat. And yes, we did! We went to Sentosa! I really had fun. In fact, I wanted to experience more. Before I flew back to Cebu, my boss and I had a talk. He said that the manager of his coffeeshop was going to resign and he wanted me to take the position not as an employee but as a business partner. He was the capitalist and I was the one to create a system for it to work. The coffeeshop was losing and he needed it to be back in operation. He said that I was perfect because I was the only female in our group besides his daughter, Krizzia, who was busy at that time for the Miss Singapore pageant, and he cannot trust the business to other people whom he haven't met. He added that Oil & Gas industry was not for female because as a PLC Programmer I won't be working in the office environment only but also offshore, in the middle of the ocean, working with other male engineers, seafarers and seamen in countries such as Africa & Middle East. He also said that I do not have to worry because he knows that I can do it. Besides, he gave me a business coach. Whew! I felt really tired going back to Cebu because while we were doing the project, we spent at least 10-12 hours working on it everyday, then the Sentosa trip, plus I felt the pressure of being a Cafe Manager because I did not know anything about business and management. Good luck to me. But, my thought said, "This will be another level for Law of Attraction. You can do it!"
The cafe hardly made a monthly sale of Php 20,000 when I took over. As I computed the breakeven using Algebra, let x be the breakeven point (hehehe), it came out as Php 150,000. Whoa! Wowowee! True enough, another level for Law of Attraction. OMG!!! My thought at that time was, "Fine, I accept the challenge because, honestly, I am not inspired working as an engineer because I want to have human interaction instead of computer interaction...hehehe." I also arranged a condition with my boss that, for the meantime, he was the one to pay for the rent of the cafe until such time we reached the break even point twice and for my monthly allowance. Then, I met my business coach, Mr. Roman Kintanar, who taught me a lot about business and management. He was also an Electronics and Communication Engineer and a Masteral Graduate for Business Administration. He did consultation job for big corporations, local and abroad. With his background, I gained confidence being a Cafe Manager making me feel that I was in good hands. And indeed, it was. He visited me at least twice a month and he taught me things in application. We dined to different coffee shops and restaurants and let me observe the environment, the crews, the supervisors and the customers. He also explained to me that business was like Algebra, just a basic mathematics, and so, I gained another confidence in myself that Php 150,000 was possible to achieve. The Cafe was located at the far end of the building so it was not possible for people walking along the street to see it plus it did not have any signage. He told me that location did matter in business but if your location was easy for people to see then you cannot exercise your creativity. Wow! That's the perspective I needed to inspire me to be creative enough for people to notice the cafe. I was given total freedom and creativity to achieve the monthly sales of the cafe to pay for the people I hired, electricity, suppliers, advertising, etc. Every month our monthly sales kept increasing and I was so thankful that I was able to attract trustworthy and reliable people to work with me on this. To know them, you may refer on my blogpost entitled "Keep The Fire Burning". In fact, our monthly sales were constantly increasing so I went to Singapore a couple of times as an incentive and the last trip I had going there was with my ex-boyfriend, all-expense paid. Dream came true!
With my guidance and my team's deliberate focus and positive intention, we were able to hit Php 148,000 monthly sales before I decided to close the cafe. Why I closed it, well, it's going to be another topic (hehehe). How was it possible? Everyone on my team knew about Law of Attraction and how it worked. All of us, our thoughts, words and actions were in alignment with our goals. For an instance, every time we did not have customer, the baristas felt bored and they focused on the lack of customer. What you focus on, you create more, right? What I did was to let them do a general cleaning, to keep them busy so that they changed their focus from "lack of customer" to "so many things to do"...hahaha! True enough, before we could even finish our general cleaning, there were always a group of customers who dine with us giving us so many things to do. Another thing, I also taught them to always think positive thoughts (more customers everyday so I can give them their salary every week) and love the work they do. Thoughts and feelings always go hand-in-hand for manifesting anything you want. Therefore, it goes to say that we create our own reality through our thoughts and feelings. We are creators! That's why I totally believe that every person has an innate creativity within.
2012 was when I noticed that even how optimistic I was, I cannot manifest something like I used to. I kept asking myself "Why? When I was so good at this before." Until I found out that I was on another level again of Law of Attraction which is "You do not attract what you want, you attract what you are." - Dr. Wayne Dyer, author of The Power of Intention, which I shared with you on my blogpost "The Dark Shadow of Myself". And this year, 2015, I came to know more and more of Law of Attraction conceptually and experientially, and this is how I see it. The physical reality which we are experiencing right now is like a big hologram reflecting on us what we are inside, the world within. As what John Randolph Price, the author of The Superbeings, said "Your outer world of form and experience is a reflection of your inner world of thoughts and feelings. As above, so below. As within, so without." 2012 was when I experienced successive failures in my life until now, actually. But, this does not mean that I am doomed for failure. As a matter of fact, it is an opportunity for me to see the thoughts, beliefs and emotions I had been carrying all throughout my life from the day I was conceived in my mom's tummy until now, that do not serve Me, the grandest version of Myself. I only knew about Law of Attraction, 2009, as a result, for 24 years of existence I was creating my reality unconsciously. So, if you noticed my posts this year were more about pain and my inner struggles because I had to experience all of them psychologically so I can let them go. It was not an easy way of learning Law of Attraction this year. Tell you honestly, I shed more tears and felt devastating pain because I AM on the process of getting to know who I really am. (If you do not understand what I am talking about, do not worry, I will explain it further on my future blogs.) Well, the bonus is, the time it takes to manifest something is quicker now than before, negative and positive thoughts. Well, in Truth, there are no right or wrong in this Universe. It's just what it is. This is what I observed in me, every time I think and feel about something, it is like I am throwing a boomerang to the Universe, and the Universe will give me that boomerang back in just about a minute, an hour, a day, a week or so. For example, just before I post this blog, I was worried that it took me a lot of time to write on my blog that I left my laundry unfinished. I cannot do it at night because I had tutor schedule and the next day fully booked for Mary Kay. Suddenly, my friend texted me that tutor was cancelled. Yehey, laundry was done! The Universe fixed my schedule for me. Anyways, it was not coincidence. I called it forth through my thoughts and feelings. So, going back, only after I let go and accept my past thoughts, beliefs and emotions about myself, can I create new thoughts, beliefs and feelings which serve my greatest version of Me. The level that I am now when it comes to Law of Attraction is about Beingness which I believe will be a lifetime journey. (You may refer to my previous blog entitled "Make The Most of Yourself" for more understanding or you may leave a comment below).
As a conclusion, my journey in learning about Law of Attraction was like an onion skin. After you familiarized with the current layer, another layer will reveal, and as you get deeper and deeper the layers become harder and harder like playing a video/computer game every time you are in a higher level, it gets more difficult. Same goes for peeling the onion, as you keep on peeling the onion skin, layer by layer, you shed more tears...hehehe. Well, it's part of life. So, let me leave you with this question, "Who do you think you are?"
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