Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
I know there are a lot of causes for breakouts, pimples or acne. I would like to share with you about my own story. I hope this might help for those experiencing breakouts right now.
It was in my late twenties (year 2012-2013) when I experienced a lot of pimples on my face. It was disgusting because whenever I was talking to someone they were not looking at me. They were looking at my breakouts. It was really intimidating. So, I looked for a solution. I went for natural. I tried honey, lemon, green tea, apple cider vinegar, etc. Nothing happened. I tried imported facial wash for acne solution. It just made my skin super dry because I had dry skin and it made my pimples worst. I tried different spot treatment, still nothing happened.
It came to a point that whenever I went online I always searched for solutions for my breakouts. But, you know I got that feeling; done that nothing happened. I asked my mother if she had breakouts when she was young. She said none same with my father. In our family, I was the only one who got this. So lucky of me.
Prior to my breakouts, I had been reading books of Dr. Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsch, Anthony de Mello, Paulo Coelho and Louise Hay. They were all saying in their books that whatever we manifest in this world that is because of our being. And I've learned that as a human being we have 4 levels like Maslow Hierarchy of Needs. Are you familiar of that? 1st level = Physical, 2nd level = Emotional, 3rd level = Mental and the deepest or highest level or 4th level = Spiritual like the photo below.
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Photo from |
On the book of Louise Hay entitled "You Can Heal Your Life" stated there that some of our diseases are cause of emotional or mental sickness. At first, I did not understand it but as I thought about it more often. I understood it that if you have any sickness in the above levels: Spiritual, Mental and Emotional. It will manifest in the Physical. For example, based on the book, the cause of having a cancer disease is resentment. You kept that anger deep inside you without knowing that slowly and slowly your physical body developed cancer cells. Resentment is a deep-rooted anger. So, what's the cure for cancer? Forgiveness. This analysis only applies if you live a healthy lifestyle and wondered why you have cancer.
My family is vegetarian. It is not in our genes that we have acne. It was not hormonal too because I had regular monthly period. I slept 6-8 hours everyday. I tried all the solutions for acne and nothing happened. So, my intuition told me that the problem was inside me. Based on the book, the cause of acne is not accepting thyself or dislike of thyself. I reflected that statement and I remembered a lot of things from my childhood to my adulthood.
In my elementary years, I was bullied almost everyday. I don't know how I survive it. With that experience, I started hating myself. You know your initial reaction when you're being bullied. Unconsciously, I implanted that inside my head and I acted upon it because I believed what other people say about me. I had very low self-esteem and self-confidence.
My situation changed when I was in high school and college. I got a lot of friends and this helped boost my self-confidence. But, take note guys, the idea I implanted when I was young that I hated myself for being me, I just covered it when I learned to gain more confidence but it was still inside of me. I even had a long time suitor before. He was really into me but I did not believe him because my thought was, of all the girls out there why me? See the manifestation of lack of self-love?
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This is the book! Photo from |
After few years, that dislike of thyself manifested on my face through breakouts. OMG!!! What am I going to do? That was the question I asked myself when I found out the truth about me. Based on the book, Louise Hay really believes that we can heal ourselves if we want to and we can do it through affirmation. Now, the affirmation for acne is "I am a divine expression of life. I love and accept myself where i am right now." I recited it everyday but I noticed nothing happened still. It was because I was just reciting it. It needs a decision or shall we say a readiness for yourself to fix it and start loving yourself.
When I decided to start loving myself, I attracted Mary Kay into my life. (Law of Attraction) Though I had doubts but there was nothing for me to lose. I already had a bad skin. What is to worry about? So, the rest was history. Now, I rarely get pimples except during my period. I also learned to love and accept for who I am. Mary Kay also emphasizes on boosting self-confidence through beautifying yourself. After using the Timewise 3-in-1 Cleanser for about a week, I noticed my skin texture improved even my boyfriend noticed it. The pimples were still there but with that result I saw I already believed in myself that I will soon have a flawless skin. It took 7 months for the breakouts to completely disappear on my face. Perhaps, that is also because of my lifestyle. I worked graveyard shift before.
Now, about wearing makeup if it's good for acne prone skin, well, my answer for that is it depends. It depends what type of makeup you're using and make sure you don't sleep with it at night. The good thing about wearing makeup is it makes us beautiful and you really need that to convince yourself that you are beautiful especially if you are still on the process of learning to love and accept yourself. But, do not use makeup just to cover yourself because you look ugly. Even with makeup you will still look unpretty. For me, I wear makeup to accentuate my good features.
That's all and I hope you learn something about my story. If you have breakouts or emotional problem, just leave a comment or you can also email me (, and I'd be happy to help you.
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